Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring Migration So Far

I guess I should actually post something about all of the stuff I've been seeing on my recent bi-pedal exploits, instead of running the risk of banishment. We're sorry to hear about the Skinky's recent injury, but I am happy to report that my knee hasn't bothered me at all for the last week. It seems as though I've left that regrettable experience in the past (*knocks on wood*).

On a five-mile run this afternoon, I saw an incredible total of thirty species, of which three were new for my SWSA list . . . Yellow Warbler, Lazuli Bunting, and White-throated Swift. Those first two were new for my regular, non-running year list, and the swift, well, they’ve been around for a few weeks, but they’re kind of hard to spot while running. On a six mile run yesterday afternoon, I saw my first SWSA Bullock’s Oriole. On May 5th, I had my first Broad-tailed Hummingbird of the year. On May 4th, I had my first Colorado and SWSA Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

Previous to that, though, I’ve lost track of the dates. The new SWSA birds that I remember are Vesper Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, White-faced Ibis, and Barn Swallow. Adding everything up, my species tally currently stands at 135, one more than the crippled Skinky. Welch is unsure of his exact total, but I believe that it is at least half a dozen ticks longer than mine.
2011 SWSA Totals
Miles Run: 400!!!
SWSA Species: 135

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